Argentine Federation of Architects' Associations (FADEA)
Presidente: Daniel Ricci
Vicepresidente: Viviana Arco
Secretario General: Eduardo Bekisnschtein
Tesorera: Claudia Hollenik
Secretaría Permanente: Rubén Palumbo
Secretaría de Concursos: Nicolás Lindow
Vocales: Ana María Amaya y Guillermo Moretto
Secretaría de Género: María Laura Fernández
Presidente del Consejo Honorario Vitalicio de la Federación: Martín Capobianco
The Argentine Federation of Architects' Associations seeks to unite all the architects' associations in the country, to promote the artistic, scientific, cultural, trade and social activities and links of the members of all the professional associations in Argentina and to represent them before similar entities abroad, to foster the links between universities and professionals, and to give its opinion on the defense, valuation and cataloguing of the historical, environmental, architectural and cultural heritage.