28 Feb VERDICT READING: Third Call for Papers of the Miradas Plurales y Diversas Collection
In compliance with the rules and schedule established for the Third Call of the "Miradas Plurales y Diversas" Collection, promoted by CAE-P Editores, the verdict reading will be held through a virtual meeting that has been prepared to know the decision of the jury, composed of Natalia Brener Maceiras (Uruguay), Diana Wiesner (Colombia) and Pablo Moreira Viteri (Ecuador), with experience in academic activities, research work and publications.
It will be held on Wednesday, March 1st at 4:30 pm (Ecuador) live on Zoom and Facebook Live.
Registration through https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_r_NL64U3SGWOCIOB2-rGBw?fbclid=IwAR1XZdTGHJ3vpyYmbWjktcvz_HqHCtHdttRFbnRpDtEKdPJA7MEQBhXd8cs