First edition of the Claude Parent International Prize for Transgressive Architecture

First edition of the Claude Parent International Prize for Transgressive Architecture

The École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Montpellier, France (ENSAM) and the Claude Parent Archives are launching the first edition of the Claude Parent International Prize for Transgressive Architecture. The objective of this international award is to reward an architect or team whose practice and philosophy demonstrate a...
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The future of national urban policies - UNAV

The future of national urban policies - UNAV

The University of Navarra is a pioneer in the implementation of the Spanish Urban Agenda methodology in its teaching. It has lines of research on the viability and impact of strategic and integrated city planning. The course aims to provide an overview of...
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First meeting of Pan American Biennials FPAA 2023

First meeting of Pan American Biennials FPAA 2023

From November 13 to 17, the Pan American Federation of Architects Associations (FPAA) will hold the first Meeting of Pan American Biennials, within the framework of the Architecture Congress "Making City" in Montevideo, Uruguay, as one of the actions of support, accompaniment and recognition of the...
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A tree, a professional in Architecture

A tree, a professional in Architecture

The Pan American Federation of Architects Associations together with the College of Architects of Costa Rica, in accordance with the Architecture Day and Habitat Day, have called on all Architects to plant a tree...
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Cities Forum - FPAA 2023

Cities Forum - FPAA 2023

The remarkable population growth of cities in recent decades has led to consider urbanization as a distinctive phenomenon of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Considering that cities are a unique mix between...
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Architect Mariano Arana 1933-2023

Architect Mariano Arana 1933-2023

“Siento profundamente la pérdida de MARIANO ARANA, este valiente, erudito e importante personaje de nuestra profesión.  En estos más de treinta años que tuve el privilegio de estar con él varias veces, aprendí a admirar, sobre todo, la fuerza de...
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