Juan Carlos Higueras Award to Architect Alfredo Reyes

Recently, Architect Alfredo Reyes Rojas received the JUAN TORRES HIGUERAS Award, granted by the Panamerican Federation of Architects Associations FPAA, as a well-deserved recognition to his professional and professional career.

The criteria and objective of this award is to recognize the most outstanding architect in his country in the guild activity, as judged by the peers of the respective National Section.

JUAN TORRES HIGUERAS was a Peruvian architect and promoter of the FPAA, who stood out as President of the Federation in the period 1984/1988. His professional life was very successful from the beginning: he won the national competition for the construction of the Lima International Airport. He was vice-president of the UIA from 1987. After his death, his colleagues proposed the creation of the "FPAA Juan Torres Higueras Award" to be given every time the FPAA met, on the occasion of an EC, Assembly or official Congress, to be awarded to an architect from the host country. Since then and without interruption, the FPAA has given this award to important colleagues, for their contribution and work to the guild or college of their country.