Architect Raúl Juárez Cestoni 1945-2022

Architect Raúl Juárez Cestoni 1945-2022

Desde la Federación Panamericana de Asociaciones de Arquitectos lamentamos la pérdida de un gran amigo y gran dirigente que acompaño decisiones en defensa de nuestra profesión y asesor FPAA en planificación territorial, con el que hemos compartido grandes momentos en nuestra querida Federación. Nuestras condolencias...
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Juan Carlos Higueras Award to Architect Alfredo Reyes

Juan Carlos Higueras Award to Architect Alfredo Reyes

Recientemente el Arquitecto Alfredo Reyes Rojas, recibió el Premio JUAN TORRES HIGUERAS, otorgado por la Federación Panamericana de Asociaciones de Arquitectos FPAA, como un merecido reconocimiento a su trayectoria profesional y gremial. El criterio y el objetivo de esta premiación, es reconocer al Arquitecto más...
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II International Forum of Councils, Orders and Entities of Architecture and Urbanism

II International Forum of Councils, Orders and Entities of Architecture and Urbanism

The experiences of different countries and regions in the promotion and regulation of Architecture and Urbanism were the main attraction of the second day of the II International Forum of Councils, Orders and Entities of Architecture and Urbanism. Architects' organizations from all over the...
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Itinerance of the Curriculum exhibition and book in Córdoba

Itinerance of the Curriculum exhibition and book in Córdoba

On Wednesday, June 1, the book and exhibition "Curriculum: Learning and Experience in Spain of the New Latin American Architecture" was presented at the headquarters of the College of Architects of Cordoba. The Cordovan graduates of the Master's Degree in Theory and...
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FPAA generating agreements with architecture universities around the world.

FPAA generating agreements with architecture universities around the world.

The Pan American Federation of Architects Associations presented, through its president, Architect Gerardo Montaruli, the book "FPAA: 100 Years of History" to the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra (ETSA-UNAV), represented by...
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The Panamerican Architecture Museum Network - MAPA is consolidated.

The Panamerican Architecture Museum Network - MAPA is consolidated.

On May 11, 2022, a virtual meeting was held in which Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Uruguay and Venezuela presented the management models of their Architecture Museums, their strategic objectives and lines of action to strengthen...
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